Donate Time
Your volunteer support enables the ToolBank to serve hundreds of charitable organizations with tools, equipment, and expertise.
New roofs. Playgrounds. Parks. Community centers. Urban farms. Gardens. Our tools, in the hands of dedicated volunteers, have made these possible. For 33 years, our famous “blue tools” helped transform communities and impacted thousands of lives, from children to seniors, veterans, and families.
In 2023, we saved our member agencies millions by eliminating tool costs, allowing them to do more for less. We equipped 35,209 volunteers who completed 169,432 hours of community service. That’s a value of $5,674,277.
Through our Tool Training Center, we’ve provided hands-on education to at-risk youth and young adults. In 2023, Over 500 kids learned tool fundamentals and 200+ young adults explored careers in the trades through our summer programs.
Our mission has always been driven by passion and commitment to the people and organizations we serve. We couldn’t do it without your support. Your generosity empowers local organizations to achieve their biggest goals.
Our work is made possible through the generosity of corporate and individual donors. The ToolBank receives neither government nor United Way subsidy – relying on the generosity of individuals and companies.
In addition to online donations, the Atlanta ToolBank also accepts checks made payable to:
Atlanta Community ToolBank
410 Englewood Avenue. SE
Atlanta, GA 30315
The Atlanta Community ToolBank is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Donations are tax-deductible to the extent of the law. Donate now using the form below to make a secure online donation to the Atlanta ToolBank.
Our most recent Form 990 is available for you to view: Atlanta ToolBank 990 – 2020
Our most recent audited financial statements are available for you to view. 2020 Audited Financial Statements
If you have any questions or would like to learn more about giving opportunities, please contact Julia Mayfield, Director of Development and External Affairs, at (404) 218 5519 or
Your volunteer support enables the ToolBank to serve hundreds of charitable organizations with tools, equipment, and expertise.
Your donation of tools and supplies are critical to the success of the ToolBank’s tool lending program.
Donate your cars, trucks, boats, RVs and more. We receive the funds and you could qualify for a tax deduction!